Contact Center is no longer a necessary operational expense. In today’s competitive environment, it is one the most important strategic asset as it is the first point of contact with your customer. Having a reliable cloud contact center solution is vital for building a valuable relationship with your customers. 800Comms Contact Center Solution comes with this reliability feature to let you adapt to new business demands. You can easily scale up or scale down and change routing and messaging strategies as required during any business day to attain optimized efficiency and performance metrics. We let you offer Quality Customer Service.
Let your customers connect to the agent who are most likely to prompt them to sales action based on their past performance records.
Let your customers connect to the agent who are most likely to prompt them to sales action based on their past performance records.
Customers can connect to agents who may share their demographic affinity to make them feel at home!
Check the caller status; want to purchase, waiting for delivery, wanting after purchase services etc and route appropriately.
Match your high value golden customers to prioritsed higher skilled agents to retain the high value business of these customers
Strategically route calls to the service department as required by the caller query to minimize call holding, and multiple call connecting to wrong agents.
With 800Comms Unified cloud center solutions in the UK, you can manage all your calls in a global queue. Every customer gets a place in the same waiting line and is re-routed to the best available agent no matter from where they are calling. Customize your own routing rules to suit your changing call traffics and performance in contact centers. The application and data travel globally but the media is local to help customers and agents connect in the best possible path. With the agents, armed with one same script, offers and customer knowledge, the customer gets a consistent experience on top of a high quality connection with low latency. You always have a flexibility of deploying and administrating scripts centrally for a better cost control and improved consistency. Record and store archived calls centrally- regardless of call location, call agent and call outsourcer and replay them for better analysis and reporting.
Analysis through OMNI CHANNEL VIEW of customer interaction Analysis of Customer Call Record to understand customer behavior Analysis of Call records for determining agent performance towards total company sales.
Let’s empower your first point agents with tools and information to resolve customer issues with an advanced agent desktop
Route your customer calls to the best agent for the said customer query to save his/her time and make him/her happier and satisfied.
With 800Comms cloud contact center the UK, You can now easily monitor and handle service levels as and when needed, giving first priority to previous abandons
Manage workload by distributing calls across teams, locations and/or departments and systems from the cloud.
Transfer calls to the agents with best sales performance in the past with regards to similar customer/products.
A comprehensive communication with voice, email, chat and videos for better co-ordination between agents and office.